Your business deserves a customized website. Our themed templates give you a tailored approach to your business with all the functionality you need. Other systems claim to provide you with a website but are really selling you just a single page. Take a look inside one of our templates to see all you get!
Start a Psychic Readings Phone Service
With Bill Per Call Unlimited we have created a platform that makes the success of a Psychic Reading business a realistic goal. Our user friendly interface makes it easy for you to run your Psychic Reading Phone Service efficiently and have the ability to focus your attention toward promotion and customer relations.
Here are some tips that our successful clients have reported.
1. Offer FREE Readings to get experience, and grow your mailing list.
2. On Facebook offer free readings in exchange for written testimonials there.
3. Get business cards from Very inexpensive.
4. Start charging after you feel like you are ready.
For over 14 years we have been working with companies that offer Psychic Phone services and along the way we have listened to the requests of our clients. This special attention to our clients has helped us enhance our platform by bringing more features and administrative controls than our competition can offer and our prices can't be beat!
Bill Per Call Unlimited Includes:
Mobile-Ready Home Page
featuring Categories and Subcategories
User-Friendly Search Engine
search by Price, Rating or Keyword
Attractive Profile Pages
upload up to 6 Profile Pictures
Dynamic Call Buttons
Update based on Agent’s Availability
Control Panel
At A Glance Home Page
tailored for Members, Agents and Admin
Reports with Full Access
access to every transaction
Customize Settings
Pricing, Audio Clips, Hours, and more!
Integrated Messaging & Support
keep track of conversations